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Test Result : Scenario: Stealing link scenario

2 failures , 24 skipped
28 tests
Took 0 ms.

All Tests

Test nameDurationStatus
And Client named "client-2" is connected0 msSkipped
And Client named "client-2" is not connected0 msSkipped
And Client named "client-2" is not connected0 msSkipped
And Client named "client-2" is not connected0 msSkipped
And Client named "client-3" is connected0 msSkipped
And Client named "client-3" is connected0 msSkipped
And Client named "client-3" is connected0 msSkipped
And Client named "client-3" is not connected0 msSkipped
And Client with name "client-2" with client id "client-2" user "kapua-broker" password "kapua-password" is connected0 msSkipped
And Client with name "client-3" with client id "client-3" user "kapua-broker" password "kapua-password" is connected0 msSkipped
And Client with name "client-sys" with client id "client-sys" user "kapua-sys" password "kapua-password" is connected0 msPassed
And Disconnect client with name "client-2"0 msSkipped
And Disconnect client with name "client-3"0 msSkipped
And I wait 2 seconds for system to receive and process that message0 msSkipped
And I wait 2 seconds for system to receive and process that message0 msSkipped
And I wait 2 seconds for system to receive and process that message0 msSkipped
And I wait 2 seconds for system to receive and process that message0 msSkipped
And topic "$EDC/kapua-sys/client-1/MQTT/BIRTH" content "src/test/resources/mqtt/rpione3_MQTT_BIRTH.mqtt" is published by client named "client-1"0 msFailed
Given Client with name "client-1" with client id "client-1" user "kapua-broker" password "kapua-password" is connected0 msPassed
Given topic "$EDC/kapua-sys/client-1/MQTT/CONNECT" content "src/test/resources/mqtt/rpione3_MQTT_BIRTH.mqtt" is published by client named "client-sys"0 msSkipped
Given topic "$EDC/kapua-sys/client-2/MQTT/CONNECT" content "src/test/resources/mqtt/rpione3_MQTT_BIRTH.mqtt" is published by client named "client-sys"0 msSkipped
Given topic "$EDC/kapua-sys/client-3/MQTT/CONNECT" content "src/test/resources/mqtt/rpione3_MQTT_BIRTH.mqtt" is published by client named "client-sys"0 msSkipped
Scenario: Stealing link scenario0 msFailed
Then Client named "client-1" is connected0 msSkipped
Then Client named "client-1" is connected0 msSkipped
Then Client named "client-1" is not connected0 msSkipped
Then Client named "client-1" is not connected0 msSkipped
Then Disconnect client with name "client-1"0 msSkipped